S. Constant1, A. Stelzl2,3, O. Eickelberg2,3,4, O. Schmid2,3
1Epithelix, Genève, Switzerland
2Comprehensive Pneumology Center (CPC-M), Member of the German Center for Lung Research (DZL), Munich, Germany
3Institute of Lung Biology and Disease, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Munich/Neuherberg, Germany
4University Hospital of the Ludwig Maximilians University (LMU), Munich, Germany
The poster shows the ALICE-Cloud technology combined with primary ALI 3D cell cultures. The effect of nebulized e-liquids were investigated in terms of tissue integrity, celia beating frequency, mucin secretion and IL-8 secretion.
– ALICE-Cloud technology: Easy to use, commercially available system (Vitrocell Systems, Germany) for aerosolized delivery of liquids to cells cultured at the air-liquid interface (ALI)
– Combined with primary ALI 3D cell cultures – Physiologically more realistic lung model than submerged cell systems
– Closed system, small enough to be operated under clean bench conditions
– Efficient drug deposition on bottom plate of ALICE-CLOUD: 0.900.074
– Due to limited cell coverage in multi-well plate: ~6.5% cell-delivered dose
– Cell delivered dose rate: 1.5 μl per insert per exposure
– Time for performing one complete cell exposure: ~ 5-7 min (200μl liquid)
– Even very high eLiquids doses (~ smoking of 500, 1500 and 6000 e-cigarettes within 7 min) had almost no adverse effects on human primary bronchial epithelial cells in terms of tissue integrity, celia beating frequency, mucin secretion and IL-8 secretion.