A lab scale measurement technique for the air-liquid interface exposure of human lung cell cultures towards particulate emissions from combustion processes

September 8, 2016

1S. Mülhopt, 3M. Berger, 1C. Schlager, 2M. Dilger, 2S. Diabaté, 3T. Krebs, 4,5Ralf Zimmermann, 4Jeroen Buters, 4Sebastian Oeder, 2C. Weiss, 1H.-R. Paur

1Institute for Technical Chemistry
2Institute of Toxicology and Genetics

3Vitrocell Systems GmbH, Germany
4Helmholtz CentreMunich, Germany
5University of Rostock, Germany

The Karlsruhe Exposure System is a lab scale measurement system for the air-liquid interface exposure of human lung cell cultures towards air borne nanoparticles under well defined conditions.


Numerical simulations by Kiesewetter et al. show: also in 15 years the European limits for PM10 immissions will not be complied.
figure: predicted PM10 concentrations in 2030
→New assessment methods for biological responses of immissions are required.

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