VITROCELL® VC 1 Smoking Machine with Shisha Option

March 11, 2018

Markus Berger, Marco Hebestreit

VITROCELL Systems GmbH, 79183 Waldkirch, Germany

The Poster shows a demonstration of the VC 10 smoking machine with Shisha option

The manual smoking machine VC 1 is specifically designed and manufactured to fulfill the requirements of in vitro experiments. To this date the machine is suitable for conventional and electronic cigarettes. Our latest design upgrade for the VC 1 smoking machine allows now the use of water pipes (shishas) for in vitro experiments. The essential requirement for the “Shisha smoking” application is a significant lager puff volume of up to 600 mL. In order to meet the requirement for such a high puff volume, without compromising the accuracy of the puff profile, it is possible to equip the machine with different cylinder sizes (200 mL, 300 mL and 600 mL). The conversion procedure to the higher/smaller puff volume is possible within less than 10 minutes. The Shisha option is designed in a way that an already existing and used VC 1 smoking machine can be easily and cost-efficient upgraded to a VC 1 with “Shisha option”.

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