After a successful User Group Meeting 2015 in the EUROPA-PARK in Germany, International scientists from Europe, Japan and USA followed the invitation of VITROCELL® Systems to the 2016 User Group Meeting.
It offered an excellent opportunity to discuss the latest developments of VITROCELL®, to exchange experiences in working with VITROCELL® devices and to meet fellow researchers. The meeting took place prior to the international Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting and ToxExpo – one of the largest international conferences related to toxicology.
The focus of the event was to present new routes dosimetry, to give an update on VITROCELL’s participation in major European research programs related to nanoparticles as well as the presentation of new products for 2016.
Highlights were:
- New Systems for higher throughput: VITROCELL® 6/48 for exposure of mammalian cells and AMES 48:
The new systems offers 7 doses @ 6 replicates plus one clean air control @ 6 replicates.
- New System for higher throughput: VITROCELL® 96 for exposure of mammalian cells:
The first VITROCELL® System for 96-well plates. It is capable of handling 11 doses @ 8 replicates plus one clean air control @ 8 replicates.
- VITROCELL® Vapestarter is a new system for universal button actuation of e-cigarettes which works for all shapes and dimensions. It is synchronized with VITROCELL® Smoking Machines.
- VITROCELL® 12/12 with Quick-Connector System: the unique solution for improved ease of handling.
- VITROCELL® Spiking System PLUS: for evaporation of liquids at high temperature ranges (up to 400º C).
- Various Guest speakers from Swirtzerland, Germany and the US reported about the progress in working with the VITROCELL® 24/48 System and the Automated Exposure stations. As in previous User Group Meetings, special emphasis was on integrated dosimetry tools for aerosol exposure as well as on research findings related to the exposure of 3-D cell cultures.
The next VITROCELL® User Group Meeting will be held in spring 2017. Details will be announced on our website.
Waldkirch, 20 April 2015