MPS World Summit 2022

February 2, 2022

Connect, Exchange, Educate

Microphysiological System (MPS): cell culture systems replicating (patho)physiology through engineered organ architecture and functionality. This includes especially 3D-(co-)cultures such as organoids, organ-on-chip models, and multi-organ models, as well as the technologies to engineer and analyze these systems.


MPS World Summit 2022


The Microphysiological Systems (MPS) World Summit brings together a global audience, including institutions (government, health foundations, charities), the academic research community (universities, research institutes), environmental and human toxicity researchers, the industries (pharmaceutical, cosmetics, chemical, and others), medical centers and practitioners, patient associations, and policymakers and testing centers in a series of global conferences to create a roadmap for MPS technologies. This will be the first step in establishing an international MPS society.

Additionally, these series of international MPS events (which include two virtual pre-conference meetings) will facilitate stakeholder communication as well as networking among young scientists and MPS thought leaders, promoting international standardization and harmonization of MPS and serving as a global training environment.


Info MPS-World-Summit-2022  (PDF)


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