Weber P. 1, Chary A.1,2, Saibene M. 1, Serchi T.1, Cambier S.1 , Moschini E.1, Contal S.1, Hennen J.2, Ezendam J.3, Blömeke B.2, Gutleb A.C.1
1 Environmental Research and Innovation (ERIN) Department, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology (LIST), Luxembourg.
2 Department of Environmental Toxicology, Trier University, Germany.
3Centre for Environmental Protection, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), The Netherlands.
The Aim of this study is the adaptation of a 3D-co-culture system previously developed by Klein et al.2013. Inclusion of dendritic cells to study respiratory sensitization processes and identification and evaluation of markers to assess the respiratory sensitizing potential of inhaled compounds.
– Exposure to chemicals such as acid anhydrides or fragrances can induce respiratory allergies.
– Complex in vitro co-culture systems represent valuable tools to understand the mechanisms involved in lung sensitization.
– At present, no in vitro model is validated to reliably detect chemical respiratory sensitizers.