Elucidating the impact of nanomaterials on genomic stability using high-throughput RT-qPCR and Alkaline Unwinding

March 11, 2018

Matthias Hufnagel, Prof. Dr. Andrea Hartwig 

– Karsruhe Institute of Technology

The poster shows the establisment of the use of a high-throughput RT-qPCR method and the quantitative detection of DNA strand breaks (Alkaline Unwinding) for cells exposed in the Air-Liquid Interface.

The increasing use of nanomaterials in various industries requires appropriate test systems to elucidate the toxicological potential of these innovative materials. Especially for airborne nanomaterials the standard in vitro testing under submerged conditions represent a rather artificial test system. To simulate a more realistic exposure scenario, cell cultivation and exposure at an air-liquid interface appears more appropriate. Along with the improvement of cell cultivation and exposure, there is a need to establish applicable toxicological endpoints to evaluate the toxicological potential of nanomaterials. Therefore, we established the use of a high-throughput RT-qPCR method as well as the quantitative detection of DNA st and breaks (Alkaline Unwinding) for ALI exposed cells in our working group in order to investigate the impact on genomic stability.

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