8th National Congress of Toxicology (COST-VIII)

September 26, 2017

The congress is organized by Chinese Society of Toxicology (CSOT), and co-hosted by Shandong Academy of Medical Sciences and Shandong Society of Toxicology.

8th National Congress of Toxicology

CSOT-VIII invited some distinguished toxicologists at home and abroad to give innovative presentations on up-to-date theories, research developments and technologies covering the broad area of toxicology at the congress. The congress will provide an excellent platform to exchange scientific research results among experts, scholars, and young scientists and students who are engaged in the toxicology and related fields of scientific research, education, regulatory and management, and industries. An exhibition of scientific products, reagents, equipments /apparatus will also be held during the period of COST-VIII, and all participants will be invited to visit.

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